Refurbishing work is available for fursuits by any maker, from simple additions like velcro or magnetic eyelids, to complete full-body overhauls!
Fill out a refurbishing quote form if you're unsure about pricing.
6 hour limit
A light refurb would consist of a few small fixes like new eyes, nose, liner, or mouth, or one larger fix, like a large part of the fur pattern (Like the white underbelly) changed/replaced.
12 hour limit
A heavier refurb would involve foamwork reconstruction, a complete face re-fur, new or edited ears, and can even include bodysuit changes & additions like spikes & wings.
*If you go over the limit by more than 59 minutes you'll be billed $50/hr (time will be rounded down). I'll ask before you go over so you can decide if you want to continue, I won't bill you without your consent!*